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Title Location Ref: #
​​A & P Lead – 2nd Shift​ Greensboro, NC 353002
​​Avionics Lead – 2nd Shift​ Greensboro, NC 353004
​​Electrical Systems Controls Engineer​ Columbus, OH 352849
​​Export Clerk​ Cary, NC 353564
​​Extrusion Technician​ Sheffield, MA 353610
​​Global Supply Chain Process Owner Cary, NC 353986
​​NDT Technician Level II​ Greensboro, NC 353007
​​Plant Nurse​ Proctor, WV 353859
​​Principal Assembly, Integration & Test (AIT) Engineer I - EGSE​ Broomfield, CO 353147
​​Principal Environmental Test Engineer I​ Austin, TX 353146
​​Principal RF Test Engineer I​ Austin, TX 353145
​​Quality Control Inspector (Assembly)​ Austin, TX 353430

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