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Title Location Ref: #
Senior Electrical Engineer (GEAS) Grand Rapids, MI 350641
Civil Structural Engineer Baytown, TX 350584
Quality Engineer (Windsor, Collins) Windsor, CT 350548
Controls Engineer Hebron, OH 350312
Ordinance Equipment Mechanic Indianapolis, IN 350105
Senior Engineer (GE - Querétaro, México) Queretaro, QU 349731
Quality Control Inspector (PCB/PCBA) Austin, TX 349652
Design Engineer 4 (14287027) Sanford, NC 349592
Optical Specialist/Engineer Pittsburgh, PA 348971
Advisor México - Maintenance, Machining, & Automotive Tooling Santiago de Queretaro, QU 347311
Advisor México - Manufacturing and Supply Chain Engineer Santiago de Que, QU 347309
Advisor México - Program Manager Santiago de Queretaro, QU 347308

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